
Why are demons in EoC not magic weak?

In lore demons are traditionally weak to the arts of magic and players are taught via questing that spells are the way to banish a demon, yet in the game now they are weak to ranged & melee!

Sorry but it bugs me lol.

This is a cool thread. Here are some questions from me regarding quests and storylines.

Are there any plans to continue and possibly finish the Daemonheim lore and storylines soon? It's been over three years since Dungeoneering came out and our excitement about Bilrach, the strange power, the events that occurred that day, the mysterious bottom of Daemonheim, and finally about the skill itself is really dying out. More and more players will pay for rs gold rather than rs accounts.

Pirates, Gnomes or Dwarves.. Regardless of the outcome, are we going to discover more about the two less fortunate participants in the near future?

The quest Monkey Madness used to have an overly complex code. This was one of the reasons we haven't seen a sequel to it. Has this been looked into at all the past years? Sometimes, I will think whether we should buy rs accounts, rather than cheap rs gold.


