
would like to play BNS again

How is this game doing population wise? I stopped playing back in May, since Poharan seemed dead and arena was overrun with bots...would like to play again if things are better..  I dont see that much bots anymore tbh lol and Poh 24 / Nsh 24 man is dead af nobody doing it anymore its deserted.  Poh 24/Nsh 24? Which servers are most populated ATM, Buy Blade and Soul Gold I don't want to play on a dead server lol. Well, as servers were merged, a lot of them are now overpopulated in certain areas. It really depends on where you are.

 Population with the linked server groups would feel about the same, or somewhat less than before the links (which would be less than around the time you described) since students are back to playing now that they're back into the school routine. Don't bother rerolling on other servers, you can never predict what populations will do, they'll likely merge/link servers some more, and much of what you need to do with others you can do in with the cross server system.

If bots bothered you, while you don't see them as readily, Cheap Blade and Soul Gold they're still there, as botters have been scamming players out of their account info. This means just because you don't see as many characters with random letters for names, doesn't mean there aren't bots around. I'd say the player, to bot ratio as remained unchanged. Bot just don't bother with arena much any more as it's not nearly as lucrative as it used to be, and they go where the money is. The cheaters, win traders, scripters, and so forth are still around though.

ok so am seeing alot of salty people commenting but its 2016 and everyone is acting like bitch these days and am thinking about going back to playing BnS but am not that sure, is it really good at the moment or what ?

